What is the purpose of this portal?
This portal allows you to securely and conveniently update your information, make changes to how we contact you and view your giving history. It helps us to be even more efficient by insuring we have your correct information. We’ll be adding more features in the future, so please check back frequently!

I know I’ve donated to CRS.  Why is this not reflected in my giving history?
There could be multiple reasons why a donation is not showing up:

  • You gave online and it has not posted yet – online donations take 24-48 hours to post in your giving history.
  • You mailed a check and it has not been received or processed yet.
  • Only gifts made directly to CRS by individuals are reflected here.  We know you may have supported our work in other ways, such as a collection through your parish or school, but these types of donations would not show up in your giving history.

Why are you asking for my parish information?
By asking for your parish information we hope to eventually be able to let you know about CRS events that may be taking place in your area. 

I want to change my mail preferences, but I don’t see the option I want.
If you wish to change the frequency of requests we send to you or to stop receiving requests from us, please call us at 1-888-277-7575. If you have any other questions or feedback on a topic not listed here, you can reach us anytime via e-mail at http://crs.org/contact/. We are always happy to hear from our donors. 

I am concerned about storing all of my personal information online.  How can I know it is secure? 
CRS uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology which protects personal data that can only be accessed the that person who must register and login to our site. This process is then authenticated by the 3rd party, Verisign, that attests that our site is secure and your data is safe. To learn more about SSL technology and Verisign authentication, please visit: http://www.verisign.com/ssl/ssl-information-center/how-ssl-security-works/index.html.

I am a monthly donor and you have my credit card (or EFT info) on file.  Why is this not showing up in stored payment methods?
For security reasons, the stored payment methods only displays information entered by the donor, not payment methods we have already have in our system

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Questions? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions.